Are you dieting because you feel out of control in your life?
Do you feel more ‘in control’ of your life on some level, when you're restricting or micro-managing your weight, food and exercise? Here's how to handle that.
How To Overcome An Emotional Eating Disorder
Emotional eating is NOT an eating problem. It's a coping mechanism for difficult emotions and therefore cannot be treated by dieting or restricting foods. To overcome emotional eating you must learn how to manage your emotions, here's how.
Body Wise by Dr Rachel Carlton Abrams - Book Review
Are you tired? Do you suffer from headaches, backaches or pelvic discomfort? Do you experience depression or feel anxious? Do you have allergies, rashes or autoimmune issues? Have you lost your sex drive? Dr Rachel Carlton Abrams' new book, Body Wise, might just hold the answers.
10 Tips For Self Care, For When You Have No Energy
We have three types of energy: Physical, Mental and Emotional. Here are ten self care tips for restoring three of these.