What Does Your Dieting History Look Like?
For some people, exploring Intuitive Eating and Body Acceptance for the first time, there will still be the temptation to look for 'a better diet' or the 'one that fits'. Here is an exercise I do with my coaching group, where I ask people to look at their own evidence gathered over the years, for why diets don't work!
What is diet-culture? And Why Do You Need To Rebel Against it?
Diet Culture is a system of beliefs held by society about food, weight, body sizes and shapes and health. These beliefs are reinforced by industries that directly profit from them, such as the dieting, fitness, beauty (cosmetic surgery) and fashion (shapewear) industries. The media and clinical research which is often funded by weight loss companies, and so these also perpetuate the myths and misconceptions found in diet culture.
The 7 Stages of the Binge and Restrict Cycle (And How to Break Free)
Do these 7 stages of the dieting cycle sound all too familiar to you? Find out how to finally escape the dieting trap, make peace with food and your body, and improve your health (both physical and mental).
Which type of eater are you?
Taking some time to figure out which eating style you fall into can help bring awareness to any patterns of disordered eating you may have, and highlight the particular challenges you need to tackle on your own recovery journey.
Are you dieting because you feel out of control in your life?
Do you feel more ‘in control’ of your life on some level, when you're restricting or micro-managing your weight, food and exercise? Here's how to handle that.
What is Intuitive Eating and its Meaning?
Intuitive Eating is much needed a breath of fresh air from diet culture. It's about listening to your body's cues for hunger, fullness, satiety, taste and emotional needs - i.e. your instincts, instead of external 'food rules' and giving yourself unconditional permission to eat.
6 Steps to Ditching Diets Forever: Make Peace With Food, Exercise & Your Body
Here are the six steps you need to take in order to recover from a lifetime of dieting and disordered eating. Be sure to download the free guides!
What made you obsessed with diets?
Where does the dieting mindset come from? We're not born with the instinct to diet or restrict food, in fact, it completely goes against our instincts (which is why dieting fails in the first place!). This is something we learn (and sometimes from a worryingly young age!). So let's look at some of the factors which contribute to the dieting mindset.
Why is Mindset Important for Health?
When it comes to our health and fitness, our mindsets (i.e. our attitudes, beliefs and assumptions) are often the hardest part of us to change. Mindset matters because it affects the relationship you have between food, exercise and your body. In this blog post we look at the difference between a dieting mindset and a healthy mindset.