What made you obsessed with diets?
Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver

What made you obsessed with diets?

Where does the dieting mindset come from? We're not born with the instinct to diet or restrict food, in fact, it completely goes against our instincts (which is why dieting fails in the first place!). This is something we learn (and sometimes from a worryingly young age!). So let's look at some of the factors which contribute to the dieting mindset.

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Why is Mindset Important for Health?

Why is Mindset Important for Health?

When it comes to our health and fitness, our mindsets (i.e. our attitudes, beliefs and assumptions) are often the hardest part of us to change. Mindset matters because it affects the relationship you have between food, exercise and your body. In this blog post we look at the difference between a dieting mindset and a healthy mindset.

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No Thank You, Fat Club
Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver

No Thank You, Fat Club

Here's why I won't be joining my local slimming club, and why I gave up on weight loss in favour of much more worthy pursuits of my time and mental energy (and what happened to my health and fitness when I did this). 

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Making You Feel Bad is Good For Business
Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver

Making You Feel Bad is Good For Business

In the summer, it seems like every health and fitness company is out to make you feel rubbish and self conscious in your swimwear, to sell you quick fixes and useless products. Women's magazines are the worst adverts for it and you've even paid them for the privileged!

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