Want to Improve Your Health? Focus on Reducing Stress, Not Weight
Mental Health, Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver Mental Health, Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver

Want to Improve Your Health? Focus on Reducing Stress, Not Weight

Stress, and stress-related illnesses and symptoms are on the rise, and there’s no doubt that COVID-19 has compounded what was already a huge problem for society. In this article, I will explain why stress is so damaging for your health and illustrate how many of the health problems we associate with weight, can be alleviated or managed by tackling mental health rather than fixating on dieting or weight loss.

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Body Neutrality, Acceptance and Confidence: What's the Difference?
Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver

Body Neutrality, Acceptance and Confidence: What's the Difference?

Many of us are wondering how on earth we're meant to like, or even accept our bodies, when we're being told from all angles that something isn't right about them and needs to be changed. Here I explain why it’s important to reach a place of body neutrality first and foremost, then progress to body acceptance/respect and then we may finally find body confidence.

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Best Podcasts for Intuitive Eating, HAES, and Ditching Diet Culture

Best Podcasts for Intuitive Eating, HAES, and Ditching Diet Culture

There are loads of great podcasts presented by dietitians, nutritionists, doctors, and therapists. Often, they feature other experts on their shows. It’s a fantastic way to learn a lot about a topic and hear some of the discussions and debates on an issue. Here are my favourite podcasts on Health At Every Size®, Body Positivity, and Intuitive Eating.

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The Dangers of Diet Culture
Diet Culture, Disordered Eating Karen Lynne Oliver Diet Culture, Disordered Eating Karen Lynne Oliver

The Dangers of Diet Culture

Diet culture is life-threatening, toxic and damaging to both our physical and mental health. It can also spread like wildfire through the family tree. Many of the women on my courses have spoken of their friends, mothers, sisters and aunts dieting. If you struggle with disordered eating now, I can pretty much guarantee that someone in your circle has experimented with diets, body-shamed you or body shamed themselves in front of you. Can you relate to my story?

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Talking Therapy: Counselling vs CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
Professional Support, Mental Health Karen Lynne Oliver Professional Support, Mental Health Karen Lynne Oliver

Talking Therapy: Counselling vs CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

A comprehensive guide to the different types of talking therapy available, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Counselling, Psycho-dynamic counselling and Psychotherapy. I also include links to therapist directories and a guide to choosing the right mental health professional for you.

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The Pros and Cons of Tracking Food & Fitness
Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver Diet Culture Karen Lynne Oliver

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Food & Fitness

Fitness trackers and food journals are still big business. Nowadays it seems everyone is wearing one and there hundreds of different types and brands too choose from. But is tracking fitness and writing down every bite, for everyone? Here are the pros and cons of tracking your food and fitness…

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Intuitive Eating when you have PCOS
Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver

Intuitive Eating when you have PCOS

Intentional weight loss is often a real struggle for women with PCOS and more often than not leads to feelings of frustration, guilt, shame and desperation, especially where fertility becomes a concern. It’s understandable that many women in this position will turn to drastic diets and risk developing disordered eating, poor body image and eating disorders as a result. These resources discuss how intuitive eating can work with PCOS.

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How to deal with weight gain while practising intuitive eating
Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver Intuitive Eating and HAES Karen Lynne Oliver

How to deal with weight gain while practising intuitive eating

Gaining weight is very normal for anyone who begins practising intuitive eating after a period of restrictive eating (whether through dieting or restrictive eating disorders). Here are my tips for how to address and cope with your fears around this initial weight gain, in order to avoid falling into the temptation of dieting or disordered eating behaviours.

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Does body positivity promote obesity?
Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver Body Image Karen Lynne Oliver

Does body positivity promote obesity?

Short answer: no, it promotes radical self-acceptance over self-loathing. It promotes a kinder society over a culture rife with appearance-based bullying and body shaming and it promotes physical and psychological recovery from dieting and disordered eating. Here's why:

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